Videos - HaWig - Your Specialist for Supply Engineering

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Here we provide a selection of interesting films about our work:

Sound level measurement of components

According to DIN EN ISO 9614-3: Acoustics-determindation of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity-Part 3: Precision method for measurement by scanning 1

Assessment of the resistance to earthquake of fire dampers

on the shaker in Skoda Pilsen laboraty.

3D drawing of a ventilation system

prepared as walk through. This was
a project of one of our apprentices.

Installation of the dome on the reactor building with ventilation duct preinstalled

For accessibility reasons, air ducts were installed in the dome cover prior to installation of the reactor dome.

Cementation Facility for liquid radioactive waste

HaWig designed ventilation equipment, including the cascade pressure maintenance in control areas, and performed the entire delivery and installation.
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